Home Visit –
Ever imagine Santa Claus visiting your home and children? Every year Santa Ean pays a visit to numerous special boys and girls homes. He’s able to take pictures, pass out gifts, talk to the children, and entertain the entire family! Having Santa Ean take part in that special moment is something families never forget.
We want Santa’s visit to be very special. Here are a few tips to help make your Santa visit JOLLY!
- Provide a cell phone number of someone at the event who will have it on.
- Have a special place for Santa to park – very close to the entrance of the event.
- Have someone outside to meet Santa – to show him the way and to load toys into his sack if needed.
- Plan it so Santa can make a “Grand Entrance" – Have everyone participating in a common task like singing.
- Place Santa’s Chair so it has a great holiday background for photos (like a fireplace or Christmas tree – Not too close please). Leave room behind the chair for group photos.
- Either pay online or place payment in a Christmas Card so you don’t have to hand Santa a check or cash and risk a child witnessing the transaction.
- Have all dogs and cats secured and put away. Animals love Santa too and may sometimes jump on him in their excitement and accidentally soil or rip his suit.
- Keep the children together and occupied to give Santa a few minutes for his departure when he must travel on to the next house.
- Don’t surprise Santa with unexpected aspects of the visit. For example, don’t rent a fake snow machine that emits a substance that may stain Santa’s suit. (Yes, it happened before)
- Give Santa as much advance information as possible to make the visit Magical. Be sure to include some private info that only Santa could know like the names of Elf on the Shelf, family nicknames, fun facts, etc.
- Longer Santa Claus Visits –
Do you need more time than a 1/2 hour Home Visit? You can book any time more than 1 hour. Just select “Hourly", find the time available that you want, select “Add a Time" and if you want more than 1 hour, select the next time available. Repeat for as many hours desired. This is perfect for Photographers, Corporate Events and large parties.

To book a visit, CLICK HERE
If you have any problems or concerns, please email [email protected]